This is a typical meal from Palembang. a place in Sumatra...
Empek-empek Lenggang (Basic Recipe) by Roberts Bridges
1. 1 cup fish that had been crushed
2. 1 cup flour
3. Water salt to taste
For the gravy:
1. 5 red chilies
2. 10 chili pepper
3. 3-5 cloves garlic
4. Salt
5. Vinegar
6. Palm sugar
7. Boiled water to taste
How to make
Fish after washed, split and then take the meat by rubbing with a spoon. Combine the flour, stir stir, then pour salt water, stirring until blended and stir a batter that can dipulung. Try a little, taste salty must feel, if not add salt to taste. Roll up with banana leaves then steamed until cooked. Open the leaves and let cool.
All the materials are then crushed into powder, pour 1 cup of boiled water or more. Season to taste vinegar. Taste should be salty, sour, sweet and spicy. It may be added tongcay thinly sliced. If you want brown gravy, season 1-2 tablespoons soy sauce, smooth.
All kinds of empek empek if you want presented in advance of cooking with hot oil, to make it tasty and tender. Hot hot cut pieces, put dipiring. Then flush with a sauce. To be more attractive coupled with boiled noodles, sliced cucumber that has been thin or finely sliced fresh cabbage. Materials are put on the empek empek which has been cut into pieces. Pour sauce is a bit much, then sprinkle some fried onions.
Caution: Fish for empek empek fish should Belida, mackerel or snapper. Enjoy.